Divisions Available

Each division has its own specific criteria. Understanding these requirements will ensure you are properly prepared for WNBF NZ competitions.

Bikini Division Criteria

The Bikini category is designed to find athletes with a fit and shapely body that is not heavily muscled or over defined.

A traditional two-piece bikini posing suit is worn and may be multi-colored or solid, and embellishments and jewelry is permitted. Shoes are required but height of heels is optional.

Bikini divisions are height based and split according to athlete numbers keeping events competitive but fair.

Competition Bikini Suits

"Micro Pro", "Scoop", or other suits with minimal glute coverage are not allowed.

"Brazilian" cut or suits that provide moderate coverage are preferred.

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Bodybuilding Division Criteria - Men & Women

Men and women in the Bodybuilding category will be judged through a series of poses that will allow the judges to evaluate not only individual body parts, but also the "whole package."

Men wear a bodybuilding posing suit; women wear a two-piece bodybuilding suit with or without embellishments.

Athletes are judged in two rounds. Please see criteria & scoring below for details.

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Figure Division Criteria

Figure is a class of physique competition judged equally on symmetry and muscle tone.

Athletes wear two-piece figure suit; thongs or T-back bottoms are not allowed. The suit may be embellished with rhinestones, sparkles, or sequins for added effect. High-heeled shoes are required. Jewelry and body piecing is allowed, but must not be offensive or obscure the physique.

The Figure category is judged in two 2 rounds.

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Fit-Body Division Criteria

Fit Body judges are looking for an athletic physique, but without the level of muscle mass of the bodybuilding division.

Athletes wear two-piece figure suit; thongs or T-back bottoms are not allowed. The suit may be embellished with rhinestones, sparkles, or sequins for added effect. High-heeled shoes are required. Jewelry and body piecing is allowed, but must not be offensive or obscure the physique.

Scoring is based on 2 rounds.

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Men's Physique Division Criteria

Physique competitors are lean, fit and muscular, yet do not have the muscle mass or extreme leanness required for the Bodybuilding category. They are characterised by having a small waist, broad shoulders, and a remarkable abdominal area.

Tanning, grooming, suit choice, posing, stage walk, and overall aesthetic appeal are also taken into consideration as judges look for the best overall package.

Athletes wear conventional board shorts cut ABOVE the knee. 11″ inseam (28cm) or slightly shorter is allowable. Athletes wearing board shorts at mid thigh length may be scored down.

Competitors are judged in two 2 rounds.

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Adaptive Bodybuilding Division Criteria

Adaptive Bodybuilding is a celebration of strength, resilience, and determination, providing a platform for athletes who overcome enduring physical challenges to showcase their dedication to fitness. This category is designed to honor athletes with lasting physical disabilities or conditions that significantly impact their mobility, strength, or physical function, ensuring an inclusive yet competitive environment.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Qualifying Physical Challenges

Athletes must have a physical disability or condition that creates a lasting impact on their mobility, strength, or physical ability. Examples include:

  • Permanent wheelchair use (e.g., due to spinal cord injuries, spina bifida, or similar conditions)
  • Limb differences (e.g., amputation or congenital limb deficiency)
  • Neuromuscular disorders (e.g., cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy)
  • Other permanent physical impairments that require adaptation in training and competition

2. Exclusions

  • Temporary conditions, such as a broken bone or injury that has fully healed and does not result in enduring physical limitations, are not eligible
  • Athletes who can compete without adaptation in standard bodybuilding categories

3. Documentation and Verification

Athletes may need to provide documentation or medical verification of their condition to confirm eligibility. Examples include:

  • A letter from a licensed physician detailing the nature and permanence of the condition
  • Certification from a recognized adaptive sports or disability organization

4. Adaptation Assessment

Individual needs will be reviewed to ensure appropriate accommodations on stage (e.g., ramp access, tailored posing routines) while maintaining a fair judging process.

Performance Focus

  • Muscular Development: Proportion, size, and density of muscle groups
  • Symmetry: Balance between muscle groups and overall physique
  • Conditioning: Definition, separation, and presentation of the musculature
  • Stage Presence: Confidence, posing, and ability to connect with the audience and judges

Competition Format

The Adaptive Bodybuilding Division will be judged in 2 rounds:

  • Symmetry – which involves quarter turns
  • Muscularity – which involves athletes pose of choice from the front, left side, back, right side and front again
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Division Showcase Left
Division Showcase Right

Available Classes


  • A Teen is an athlete who is no older than 19 on the day of contest.


  • A Junior athlete will be 19 up to and including 23 on the day of contest.


  • The Debut class is for athletes who have never competed before in any federation.


  • A Novice is an athlete who has never placed in the top 3 of a competition in any previous season.
  • Your status as a novice lasts the duration of a season.
  • Athletes who have won a regional, national title, or competed internationally as a teen, junior, masters or men's physique competitor are not eligible to be considered a novice.


  • All athletes can enter - except for Novice.
  • You have to choose Novice or Open we do not allow crossovers as per WNBF rules from 2025 onwards.


  • Masters Classes are available in all Divisions except Adaptive Bodybuilding.
  • Athletes over the age of 40 are eligible for Masters Classes.
  • Athletes over the age of 50 are eligible for Grand-Masters Classes.
  • Athletes over the age of 60 are eligible for Ultra Grand-Masters Classes.


  • This category is tailored for athletes with genuine, long-term physical limitations who exemplify perseverance and commitment to the sport.
  • Permanent wheelchair use (e.g., due to spinal cord injuries, spina bifida, or similar conditions)
  • Limb differences (e.g., amputation or congenital limb deficiency)
  • Neuromuscular disorders (e.g., cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy)
  • Other permanent physical impairments that require adaptation in training and competition

Men's Physique, Bikini, Figure and Fit-Body may be split into 2 or 3 height classes at the discretion of the head-judge.

Bodybuilding may be split into 2 or 3 weight classes at the discretion of the head-judge.

Pro Card Criteria

Open & Masters Only

Bodybuilding Men

8 athletes in class = winner automatic pro card

Bodybuilding Women

5 athletes in class = winner automatic pro card


8 athletes in class = winner automatic pro card


5 athletes in class = winner automatic pro card


5 athletes in class = winner automatic pro card

Men's Physique

8 athletes in class = winner automatic pro card

Masters Pro Cards

5 athletes in a class (over 40) = winner automatic pro card

If we have double the required numbers then 1st and 2nd will be awarded pro cards. Or if a class has less that 8 but other height or weight classes have over 8 a pro card will be awarded to that athlete if they can beat a pro card winner in the overall.